Industrial Equipment and Supplies: The Right Choices for Your Industry

Whether you own a restaurant, a drilling rig, a contracting company or any other types of company, you may have to buy or hire industrial equipment and supplies. However, the best equipment and supplies vary based on your industry. Hi, my name is Joe, and as a jack of all trades, I have worked in countless industries. As I am the type of person to notice everything, I have picked up a lot over the years. In this blog, I am going to share that wealth of knowledge with you. Here, I am going to discuss how to pick the best industrial equipment for your industry and help you make tough decisions about repairs, buying-versus-hiring and much more. I hope you enjoy my blog, and I'm glad you found it.

Is Auto-Darkening Worth It?


Welding helmets are critical pieces of equipment in the quest to keep welders safe. One major issue welders often face is how bright the light from welding can get, requiring the use of dark face shields. Newer helmets offer an auto-darkening feature, and this has been one of the more celebrated features of welding helmets for a number of reasons. But for your specific job, are the extra cost and weight worth it? It really depends on how varied your welding jobs are, along with a few other issues.

You Have to Change the Settings for Each Job

Auto-darkening helmets require you to set the level to which they need to darken — they don't simply become "dark." If you work on a lot of jobs that have varying risks for things like welder's flash ("arc-eye") or that have the potential for differing levels of brightness, you'll need to reset the helmet for each job that's different from the last one. That can take time and be annoying. At the same time, though, that does allow for greater customisation. You aren't stuck with a shield that's too light for an intense welding job and can make the shield darker.

You Can Save Time by Keeping the Helmet On

Because the helmet's darkening and lightening functions are automatic depending on what you're looking at, once the welding is done, the helmet's face plate should lighten up. That saves you the trouble of having to remove the helmet to retrieve tools, for example. With a passive helmet, one where the shield is always dark, you have to raise the shield or remove the helmet if you need more light to look for something, talk to someone, and so on. And, when you put the helmet back on, you end up having to readjust it slightly each time. That really does take a lot of time when you add it all up over the course of a day.

You Need Power Sources

Auto-darkening helmets require a power source. This can be a battery or even a small solar cell. On one hand, that means you're at risk of the power source failing so that the helmet doesn't work. On the other hand, that power source is what allows you to give yourself better protection if the job you're working on carries a high risk of welder's flash because you can make the shield darker. You may just want to be extra careful about checking power sources and changing batteries early so you have this protection and don't have to worry about your power sources.

Auto-darkening helmets like the Speedglas Adflo helmet and other models may offer more benefits for you than you realise. Take a good look at your helmet and shield needs when welding because auto-darkening helmets may be an appropriate addition to your supplies.


20 July 2022