Industrial Equipment and Supplies: The Right Choices for Your Industry

Whether you own a restaurant, a drilling rig, a contracting company or any other types of company, you may have to buy or hire industrial equipment and supplies. However, the best equipment and supplies vary based on your industry. Hi, my name is Joe, and as a jack of all trades, I have worked in countless industries. As I am the type of person to notice everything, I have picked up a lot over the years. In this blog, I am going to share that wealth of knowledge with you. Here, I am going to discuss how to pick the best industrial equipment for your industry and help you make tough decisions about repairs, buying-versus-hiring and much more. I hope you enjoy my blog, and I'm glad you found it.

A Few Important Tips When Using Wood Chips as Mulch in Your Yard


Wood chips are a great choice for mulch; they're all-natural and usually come from scrap pieces that would otherwise wind up in landfills, and which mean not having to harvest virgin materials to make new mulch. Wood chips are also often available in a wide range of shades; dark red can be a great choice to make your landscaping features stand out in contrast to your green lawn, or you might opt for a brown shade so that the mulch doesn't clash with your garden kerbing. When you are ready to add wood chips to your yard as mulch, note a few important tips to keep in mind first.

High carbon ratio

Wood chips tend to have a high carbon to nitrogen ratio, so they may temporarily choke off the soil's supply of nitrogen. Nitrogen is necessary for healthy plant growth. Before you add wood chips, you can compensate for this by using a fertilizer around the landscaping or garden, as this will add nitrogen to the soil. Using fertilizer before adding wood chips will keep that balance healthy so your plants should stay strong. 


Wood chips tend to hold a lot of moisture against the ground and also protect the ground from drying because of sun exposure. You might need to adjust your watering schedule when you add wood chips so that plants don't become too moist and the roots hold too much water. If you notice that your plants or landscaping features start to get brown and wither, you may need to reduce the watering schedule since your plants may not be drying off properly under all those wood chips.

Adding new chips

Wood will tend to weather and become a silvery or grey color over time, and it does break down and decay. This is why most gardeners and homeowners will add a new layer of mulch over the old, sometimes every year or even more than once throughout the year. However, too much mulch of any sort can suffocate the roots of your more delicate plants and cut off too much sunlight onto the soil. Instead of just adding a new layer of mulch over the old, it's good to rake up the old layer. This will not only keep you from creating a layer of mulch that's too thick but also will help to turn the soil, allowing for nutrients on the topsoil to get absorbed into the dirt and creating a healthy area for your plants.


13 July 2016